Beldum Bot

Hey, cool Discord bot application.

Check it out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Beldum sprite

Topgg widget showing server count

7000+ Communities

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...that technically still uses servers.

But on demand.


8ball/8ball <yes/no question>/8ball do you know the way?Ask a yes/no question.
cointoss/cointoss/cointossToss a coin, heads or tails. (Fun fact: there's a 1/6000 chance of a coin landing on its edge.)
help/help/helpGet information on the bot and resources on how to use the bot.
info bot/info bot/info botGet Beldum Bot's information and resources on how to use the bot.
info channel/info channel/info channelGet the selected channel's information
info emoji/info emoji <emoji>/info emoji :emoji:Get a custom emoji's information and downloadable image with the highest possible size.
info role/info role/info roleGet the selected role's information and downloadable icon with the highest possible size.
info server/info server/info serverGet the server's information and downloadable icon/splash/banner with the highest possible size.
info user/info user/info userGet the selected user's information and avatar/decoration/banner with the highest possible size.
ping/ping/pingCheck Beldum-Bot's ping.
reminder/reminder/reminderAdd/remove/manage reminders.
rng/rng <int1> <int2>/rng 1 100Random number generator that rolls a random integer between two inputted integers (inclusive)
rps/rps/rpsPlay rock paper scissors with the bot.
Spongebob MockRight click message > Apps > Spongebob MockWe should take Bikini Bottom and push it somewhere else! wE sHoUlD tAkE bIkInI bOtToM aNd PuSh It SoMeWhErE eLsE!sPoNgEbOb MoCkS tHe TeXt Of A sElEcTeD mEsSaGe.
tictactoe/tictactoe/tictactoePlay tic-tac-toe with another user (or with the bot if you dare...)
urbandictionary/urbandictionary <keywords>/urbandictionary tftiSearch for an Urban Dictionary definition (it will return the top result)